Understanding the Five Stages of Varicose Veins Disease

Varicose veins disease occurs when a patient has twisted bluish purple veins protruding on their skin, sometimes developing into ulcers. It is possible to treat and prevent this disorder in the early stages, and a visit to a Sebring varicose veins professional can help. But what are the various stages of varicose veins disease?

Stage 1: Spider Veins

These small blue-purple veins appear on the legs, ankle, neck, or other parts. These may not bulge out, so they may not be very visible as they are not painful. However, if you are keen on monitoring your skin, you can notice them. At this point, you should try to visit a varicose specialist for a check-up.

Stage 2: Varicose Veins

These are the enlarged versions of the spider veins; at this point, they are very visible bulging out on the skin. The bulging veins are painful sometimes, while for some people, they are not. In some cases, they even cause swelling of the legs.

In this stage, you should seek medical attention to treat the underlying issue before it falls out of hand.

Stage 3: Edema (Swelling of legs and ankles)

Sometimes, varicose vein conditions result in swelling of the legs and ankles. The backflow of blood from the valves causes inflammation and blood clots. If that situation is not controlled, it will cause swelling in the affected leg.

These symptoms are initial signs of chronic venous insufficiency, so you should get medical help to prevent severe health conditions.

Stage 4: Skin Discoloration

The arteries carry the blood from the heart to other body parts. On the other hand, the veins carry blood from the body back to the heart. In the case of varicose veins, the valves become weak, causing backflow of the blood. The backflow causes an increase in deoxygenated blood. The deoxygenated blood then causes discoloration of the skin.

Stage 5: Ulcers

At this stage, the skin around the varicose veins will develop sores that continue opening up, back and forth. Backflow of the blood from the valves causes pressure on the legs, leading to the formation of ulcers on the outer part of the skin.

Factors leading to varicose veins

  •         Age – As you age, the veins may weaken, weakening the valve. In that case, the valves may not manage to push the blood upwards to the heart, causing backflow.
  •         Pregnancy – Pregnancy introduces a lot of changes, one being weight gain. The sudden weight gain increases pressure on the legs, which may weaken the valves, leading to backflow of the blood.
  •         It is Hereditary – If you have a history of a family member with this disorder, you should visit a medical professional for a check-up to prevent it in the future.

Get Help from a Varicose Specialist

Regardless of your varicose stage, you can get medical help to treat it. However, getting an early diagnosis is better to avoid severe health repercussions. So, if you or someone you know suffers from Varicose Vein disease, talk to Florida Lakes Surgical professionals and start the journey to recovery.